African Economies in Transition – Lessons from South Africa and implications for the continent.
6 December 2022
Africa and Germany are connected by close economic relations, which are discussed and deepened every two years at the German-African Business Summit. On the side-lines of the summit the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft invite you to our event African Economies in Transition – Lessons from South Africa and implications for the continent. This will take place on December 6th, 2022, from 13:00 to 14:15 SAST online. As special guests for our expert-loaded panel we will welcome: Mmusi Maimane Founder and Leader Build One South Africa (BOSA) Savannah Maziya Executive Chairperson, Bunengi Group, South Africa Gunter Rieck Moncayo...

State Capture under Parliament's watch: Wilful blindness?
6 July 2022
Please join the Parliamentary Monitoring Group and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung as we host an expert panel to reflect on the implications of the Zondo Commission reports on Parliament. How correct is OUTA in stating that: that "Parliament is “ineffective, indecorous and symbolic”, its rules [...] inadequate [...]. Members of Parliament aided and abetted state capture looters"? A recording of this event is available by clicking on the following link: https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/109/pl2p4a3yumlaynfq Our guests: Prof Hugh Corder (UCT Law) Dr Martin Nicol (Non-Partisan Researcher in Parliament 2014-2019) MP Cilliers Brink (Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister in Parliament) Ms Monique Doyle (PMG Head Researcher)...

ESG and good corporate governance in relation to the use of pension funds
10 November 2021
Recently, banks and investment firms publicly stated a withdrawal of their support for businesses without plans to transition away from reliance on non-renewable energy resources. It is clear that shareholder returns are no longer the only metric under consideration when shaping investment portfolios. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is gaining traction as a measure of the collective consciousness of organisations towards environmental and social responsibility. The influence of ESG in boardrooms is increasingly driving investment-based decision-making. But what are the knock-on effects for pension fund investments? How much weight should ESG principles carry, and what role does shareholder activism play...

A Judiciary under Siege-Reflections from the JSC 2021 judges' interviews
1 October 2021
This online discussion follows the research paper A judiciary under Siege-Reflections from the JSC 2021 judges' interviews written by Azwimpheleli (Azwi) Langalanga. Our distinguished panellists will be responding to the research while stating some of the issues CASAC observes regarding challenges facing the judiciary in general. The online discussion also aims to reflect on the reasons behind court actions and the panellists' academic views and personal experiences concerning the fact that the interviews will be held again.

Can a country dogged by political crisis and poverty build a common vision and social cohesion?
18 August 2021
Despite more than a quarter-century of democracy and majority rule, the divide between the have’s and the have-nots has widened, with the top 10 % of the population having 95% of the wealth (StatsSA 2017). South Africa has one of the world’s highest Gini coefficients— the statistical measure of the economic disparity within a population. The destructive frenzy of looting that recently battered parts of KZN and Gauteng bears witness to the frustration of poverty and economic exclusion. Against this backdrop, we ask; 'how do we go about building a cohesive, strong and equitable society?' Join the Business Day Dialogues...

Corona Parliament: Virtually Working?
5 May 2021
At this event, Rebecca Sibanda of the Parliamentary Monitoring Group will launch and discuss the findings of her new paper: Implications of a Virtual Parliament on its Constitutional Mandate. In the paper, she reviews the performance of South Africa's Parliament during the Covid-19 epidemic. Enriching and challenging her conclusions will be Marianne Merten of the Daily Maverick. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung thanks the Parliamentary Monitoring Group for its collaboration in this research. Terms & Conditions: By participating in this online event, you agree that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung may contact you for future events and other occasions. You agree that we may save...