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State Capture under Parliament’s watch: Wilful blindness?


Please join the Parliamentary Monitoring Group and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung as we host an expert panel to reflect on the implications of the Zondo Commission reports on Parliament.

How correct is OUTA in stating that: that “Parliament is “ineffective, indecorous and symbolic”, its rules […] inadequate […]. Members of Parliament aided and abetted state capture looters“?

A recording of this event is available by clicking on the following link:

Our guests:

Prof Hugh Corder (UCT Law)
Dr Martin Nicol (Non-Partisan Researcher in Parliament 2014-2019)
MP Cilliers Brink (Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister in Parliament)
Ms Monique Doyle (PMG Head Researcher)

Moderator: Mr Ghalib Galant (PMG Board Chairperson)


Please see resources here and by opening the tab below.

1. Report associated with this online discussion: Midpoint Paper 22-08-5 PMG_Where was Parliament_State Capture

2. Part of this Zondo report deals with parliamentary Oversight including recommendations for the national legislature:

Useful press reports:




Event Details

6 July 2022

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Past Event



Prof Hugh Corder
Hugh Corder served as the Professor of Public Law at the University of Cape Town from 1987 to 2019 and is now Professor Emeritus. A graduate of Cape Town, Cambridge and Oxford, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Law from 1999 to 2008 and in various other positions of leadership within the University. He was a member of the committee which drafted South Africa’s first Bill of Rights in 1993 and has played the leading role in administrative law reform initiatives since 1992. His published work concentrates on administrative justice and all aspects of the judicial office. He has been a Fellow of the University of Cape Town since 2004.
Dr Martin Nicol
Martin Nicolas employed by Parliament as part of the support staff for the National Assembly committee responsible for mining from 2013 to 2019 (when he reached retirement age). Working with Members of Parliament, Committee Chairs, stakeholders in the mining sector and Parliamentary bureaucrats, he gained an insight into how Parliament works in practice. He previously served as a trade union official, a foreign trade representative and diplomat for South Africa and as an economic development expert in the private and public sectors. He worked in the academic field – as a tutor, course designer/presenter  – in African economic history, industrial sociology and town and regional planning – mainly at the University of Cape Town. He has a PhD in economic history from UCT.
MP Cilliers Brink
Cilliers Brink is a South African politician serving as the Democratic Alliance’s Shadow Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs since 2020. Brink has been a Member of Parliament since 2019. He is the DA’s Shadow Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and was a member of the mayoral committee of Tshwane between 2016 and 2019.
Ms Monique Doyle
Monique Doyle is the Head Researcher as well as the Monitor and Projects Manager at PMG. She has an MPhil in Politics from the University of Cape Town.
Mr Ghalib Galant
Ghalib Galant is the Chief Catalyst and founder member of SynergyWORKS. He holds BA and LLB degrees from the University of Cape Town. He is also a former full-time Labour Commissioner with the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration in South Africa. He is the PMG Board chair.

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